The executive Committee
If you wish to contact us concerning a specific need, below are the roles of our Executive Committee. Please use the contact form at the right for general inquiries or website issues.
President - Stacy Kist - (716) 604-8192
Vice President - Lisa Ballowe
Secretary and Jury Chair - Kim O'Sullivan
Treasurer - Ray Deibel
Scholarship Chair - Jack Thiesen
Membership Chair - Paulette Krakowski
Become a Member
We invite you to join the Arts & Craftsmen Guild as an Associate Artist or Supporter/Sponsor.
$40 Juried Artist
$30 Associate Artist
$20 Supporter/Sponsor
$10 Student (with valid ID)
To join or renew your membership, click one of the links below or Mail in the form below with payment.
Juried Artist
Associated Artist
Coming Soon!