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Vicki Schneider

I am humbled to follow in the tradition of Venetian flameworking artists to produce decorative glass art that transports the viewer to a simpler time. Melting solid rods of colored glass at a bench burner (torch), I manipulate the honey-soft, molten material with basic tools, such as a small blow pipe, paring knife, shears, and tweezers, to form my one-of-a-kind pieces. No prefabricated components or molds are ever used in my sculptures.


My creations are informed and inspired by my “extra-ordinary” childhood growing up on the Jersey shore. My current bodies of work are “Mama’s Garden,” life-like blown and solid flowers, and “Childhood,” a celebration of the innocence of youth. I complete many of my pieces with reverse-painted and fused glass bases and driftwood I gather from Lake Erie beaches.


I have received national and international recognition for my work, most notably:

· selection by as one of “18 Game-Changing Female Glass Artists,”

· featured in inclusion in “Out of Town,” an online exhibition of 43 glass artists from the United States, juried by the board of the Contemporary Glass Society – UK, and

· an invitation to exhibit my “Childhood” sculptures in “Keepers of the Flame: A Celebration of Contemporary Flamework” at WheatonArts The Gallery of Fine Craft in Milville, NJ.

· Inclusion in seven editions of the annual "Women in Glass" gallery published by The Flow Magazine


I am a “Juried Artist” in the Arts & Craftsmen Guild and co-chair its jury. In 2009, I opened Expressive Glass, a 9-torch teaching studio in Woodlawn, NY to share my knowledge and passion for glass with novice and experienced glassworkers and fusers. Since that time, I have introduced over 500 students to the magic of this amazing medium.

See more of my work and learn about classes at and on Facebook at

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